Saturday 18 May 2013

♥ New Store to celebrate my Rez Day ♥

Okay, so it's my rez day/birthday today.. been in SL for 6 years on this avatar now and celebrating my 2nd birthday. I'm going to be two forever! Every birthday I turn two! If only real life worked the same way. 

But I got an invite to put a store down in a reasonably new area and since it was a personal invite I had to go check it out. When I arrived I couldn't believe how cute it was, so I had to lay down roots immediately. There's no more stores available there, but there are a few empty stalls kicking around. The landlady is super friendly, be sure to check it out. There's 7seas fishing to be had there and regular contests too. 

So.. now I have two in world stores and a marketplace! You can find the new store here: Kaci's Creations @ Lil' Dreams Mall

Thankies mummy for the great presents for my birthday, they will be put to good use. I have no excuses now! Love you! ♥

Front of my new store.. how cute is the outside? I was allowed to colour it however I wanted

Inside: ground floor

Upstairs.. some yabu clothes aswell as toddleedoo


Outfit: Paige Formal Outfit from Baby Pie
Hair: Hair"Manon"Type A (Brown Diamond) from D!va
Pose: Birthday block from Ahoy, captain! (think this was a limited 50 thing..)


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