Wednesday 29 May 2013

♥ Overload ♥

Hey everyone! Sorry I've not been as active on here as I have been previously. I've not been feeling too brilliant in real life and I've had a lot going on with my own stores in Second Life. But I think I'm going to release a few blog posts now because I'm so behind on bringing you the awesome fashion that other creators have been bringing out for us ToddleeDoo's.. and I feel like I've been slacking! 

I know other people have blogged this outfit but I think it deserves another mention. I love what Inner Peace comes out with and this is no exception.. it's super cute. Great job Inner Peace! ♥

Hair: Hair*139*Mocha from Love Soul
Outfit: June from :>Inner Peace<:
Pose: diva 5 from .click.
Ring: Mesh Flower Ring - 8 colours in HUD (ToddleeDoo) from Kaci's Creations


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