Friday, 20 June 2014

♥ Teddy Bears Rock ♥

I wanted this outfit from Little Closet and Snips & Snails (at Limited 50) sooooo bad that I set an alarm to get me out of bed for it. When Limited 50 opened it was 8am for me (which is way early in my opinion, no human being should be up before midday.. just saying), so I logged on half asleep.. without a cup of tea even and desperately tried to get into the event. I was greeted by region full, which made my heart sink.. had I missed my opportunity?! Then thankfully after mashing tp a bunch of times I finally got in. The outfit sold out in a record 8 minutes after it opened, thankfully I was lucky enough to snag a copy. Lag meant I had to get the owner of Snips & Snails to resend me the pants though.. thankfully he was nice about it and sent them over promptly.

Cute, huh? Well worth getting up for.. and then falling back to sleep immediately after. 

Shameless self promotion time too.. the nails are from my store *Awwdorable* and you can find them in world here: *Awwdorable* or on marketplace here: Sweet Treats Nails ToddleeDoo.

Hoodie: Beary Comfy Hoodie - Limited 50 from Little Closet (Limited 50)
Pants: Beary Snuggly Loungers_Limited50 from Snips & Snails (Limited 50)
Hair: [01] Sweet from Magika
Necklace: Bottle Cap Necklace - Silver - {Sunshine} from Bebe'Licious
Ring: Bear silhouette ring - rose gold from .trinket.
Nom: Pooh Bear Cookie nom from Spronkwings
Bear: Wear-A-Bear Hang Tan from BoOgErS (The Arcade June 2014)
Nails: Sweet Treats Nails ToddleeDoo from *Awwdorable*
Pose: Quirky 1 (m) - Quirky from .click.


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