I haven't blogged Baby Pie for a while and although this is an older outfit and I've blogged the purple one of this before, I felt in the mood for something black.. so I broke this one out of my inventory. There's not a huge amount of dark coloured clothing for kids around.. and it's hard to do it well without it looking too grownup I think.. but Baby Pie does an awesome job of keeping it child friendly and dark. Love it.
My title is called "Paint a smile on" today.. because I painted the gym room in real life yesterday.. and the fact that I sometimes feel you have to pretend you're okay, when you're really not. I spend most of my life pretending that everything is fine. How many times do people ask how you are..? If everyone really told the other person, nobody would ever ask that question again. I find myself going, "Good thank you!" even if I'm sitting at my laptop in floods of tears.. nobody really wants to hear how everything sucks. The very few people that do genuinely want to know if everything is okay are the ones you want to stay strong for too.. I feel like a broken record when things aren't okay and I end up saying they're fine in the end so I don't bore my nearest and dearest to death going over the same old problems that aren't getting any better.
In other news I'm getting excited about The Arcade.. although my bank balance will not be!
Outfit: Bow Gauchos TD Complete Outfit - Black from Baby Pie
Hair: Sugar Rush Mesh Hair - Blonds Pack from Wasabi Pills
Rings: Pandoo Ring - Black from [tea.s]
Necklace: Tagged Necklace (Faith) from Cute Poison
Necklace 2: Matte Black Chain (BEST) from AMAYA (Cosmopolitan Sales Room)
Bracelet: Eternity Bracelet rose brown from Izzie's
Gameboy: Gamer Black from Tic Tot Toe (Woodland Treasures Gatcha)
Skin: Alice Snow from FreshFace
Teeth: OpenMouthPRO Basic and BabyTeeth Add on from PXL
Eyelashes: Eyelashes from Little Pixels
Nails: Drippy Nails ToddleeDoo from Awwdorable
Hair: Sugar Rush Mesh Hair - Blonds Pack from Wasabi Pills
Rings: Pandoo Ring - Black from [tea.s]
Necklace: Tagged Necklace (Faith) from Cute Poison
Necklace 2: Matte Black Chain (BEST) from AMAYA (Cosmopolitan Sales Room)
Bracelet: Eternity Bracelet rose brown from Izzie's
Gameboy: Gamer Black from Tic Tot Toe (Woodland Treasures Gatcha)
Skin: Alice Snow from FreshFace
Teeth: OpenMouthPRO Basic and BabyTeeth Add on from PXL
Eyelashes: Eyelashes from Little Pixels
Nails: Drippy Nails ToddleeDoo from Awwdorable
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