Tuesday, 16 September 2014

♥ Laundry Day ♥

Okay, it's time to talk about this awesome shirt from high v. found at this round of Bro I Gatcha. Firstly, Bro I Gatcha is a gatcha event with boys in mind (about time!) and although it's technically for boys.. I still dig a lot of the stuff there. My style is very relaxed, one day I can be girly as anything, the next day I'm rolling in the dirt wearing camo.. which is why I was drawn to this event. This shirt and wrap around sweater are both from high v. and are so epic. I love them both, they go really well together and it's a great reminder to your parents that they need to do laundry. Be sure to check out these super cool gatchas from high v.

Now.. I love Batman if you didn't know already.. and I squealed when Tic Tot Toe shared they had a Batman car up for grabs at their gatcha at "Bro I Gatcha" event. It's a RARE, of course it would be.. cos Batman is truly amazeballs. Yes, I said amazeballs.. I've got issues. Anyways, it comes with a remote control for holding and of course the dinky little car.. I found you can either rez it or wear it.. and it goes around in a little circle on the ground. Pretty cool.

Shirt: tees laundry day from high v. (Bro I Gatcha September 2014)
Waist sweater: waist sweatshirt buck 5 from high v. 
(Bro I Gatcha September 2014)
Jeans: Kool Jeans - Black from Cute Bytes
Shoes: Tiny Tims - Charcoal from Snips & Snails
Hair: the connie II Hair - HUD 1 from Olive
Panda head: my mini panda normal black from offbeat 
(Kustom9 September 2014)
Necklace: Matte Black Chain (BEST) from AMAYA
Bracelet: Bicycle Bracelet - silver from .trinket.
Ring: Kitty Ring Set - ONYX from [tea.s]
Race car: Bat Mobile RARE from Tic Tot Toe (Bro I Gatcha September 2014)
Skin: Ivy Snow from FreshFace (Wicked Wonderland Fair)
Teeth: OpenMouthPRO Basic and BabyTeeth Add on from PXL
Eyelashes: Eyelashes from Little Pixels
Nails: Limited Owl Nails from Awwdorable (All the little things September 2014)
Pose: Gentle - Gentle 2 from .click.

Special thanks to high v., Bro I Gatcha, Tic Tot Toe and FreshFace


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