Saturday, 6 September 2014

♥ When it rains, it pours.. ♥

Got two events to tell you about today:

The first is Dream Garden, where this awesomely a-freakin-dorable outfit from Heffalumps can be found. It comes with the jumper, denim shorts, frog boots, hair bows, scarf and two bracelets. I love complete outfits like that. 
Dream Garden also offers a lot of other cute items.. so be sure to go take a peek!

Just One50 Event is the other event I wanted to mention.. there's awesome items to be found and some of them are limited.. but as the name of the title suggests.. everything is 150 lindens. Pretty good price for an item that only has 60 copies or so. Worth checking out!

Anyway, the title "When it rains, it pours.." pretty much sums up how I feel today. Y'know when you wake up and think.. "Why did I get up?" I'm having one of those days. I woke up extremely late.. to cat vomit in the kitchen.. I then had a bath and as I was laying in the bath with the door open (cos that's what I have to do or my cat will claw the door down until he's allowed in) Anyways, so I'm laying there.. relaxing.. and then my cat walks into the hallway and starts retching.. and then vomit all over the hallway too. Lovely. After my bath I spent time trying to get cat puke out of the carpet.. which is easier said than done when there's lovely chunks of his cat food in it. 

I had so much planned today and now I'm just sitting here watching my sleeping kitty, hoping he's okay.. I think maybe it's time to get him looked over by a vet. It's becoming a regular occurrence this being sick thing. At least twice a month there is sick now. Soon as my fiance is home, I'm gonna suggest we take him to get checked out.. make sure there's no underlying cause for his sickness. It could just be he ate his food too fast, or he ate something he isn't meant to.. but I'd like to be certain. Google even tried to reassure me that some cats are just sicky and not to panic, but he's my furry baby and I'm worried. 

Outfit: Tea @ Nana's from Heffalumps (Dream Garden September 2014)
Hair: Lottie - Blondes from Truth
Binky: Binky 02 from That's So Kyoot 
(Woodland Treasures Gatcha September 2014)
Knee cuts: Booboo Knees from Little Mint
Nose scratch: Camping Boo Boos - Nose Scratch from Bad Seed Boutique
Skin: Ivy Snow from FreshFace (Wicked Wonderland Fair)
Teeth: OpenMouthPRO Basic and BabyTeeth Add on from PXL
Eyelashes: Eyelashes from Little Pixels
Nails: Drippy Nails from Awwdorable
Pose: Cutesy - Cutesy 5 from .click.


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