Friday, 10 October 2014

♥ I love cats!! ♥

It's no secret that I'm a crazy cat lady.. well.. I would be in real life for sure if the idea of having a gazillion litter trays to clean out didn't fill me with dread. I do love kitties though and this outfit from Viv.a! Kids is a cute way of getting your message across. It's pretty adorable, even the suspenders have cats on them. This outfit comes with the clogs too, which are just darling. It should be noted, however, that this outfit only fits ToddleeDoo baby avatars.

I went over to the Candy Fair and got this super cute hairstyle (which is being obscured by the hat a little, but it went so perfectly with it. Under the hat is macaroons and a bow) I also got the glasses, hat and ring at the Candy Fair too. A great place to visit if you're looking for some yummy accessories and cute hairstyles.

PO-TA-TO. That's all I have to say when I think about this cute little veggie guy I got from Birdy at this round of Chapter Four. They are strangely awesome.. I don't know why! But at 50 lindens a go, you have to get at least a couple or it's a crime!

Also how epic is that yarn bombed tree in the background? It's so awesome.. that's why I had to get a picture in front of it.

Outfit: Lana Outfit-Cat- from Viv.a! Kids
Hair: Macaroon - Blondes from .Atomic. {Hair} (Candy Fair 2014)
Hat: Cloudsugar Hat - Pastel Rainbow RARE from Half Deer (Candy Fair 2014)
Glasses: {Chobii~ river} glasses from Cubic Cherry Kre-ations 
(Candy Fair 2014)
Ring: Ice Cream Scoop Ring - Strawberry from The Sugar Garden .tsg. 
(Candy Fair 2014)
Veggie pal: Veggie Pals - Talkative Tato RARE from Birdy 
(Chapter Four October 2014)
Skin: Baby Mikki from Bad Seed Boutique
Teeth: OpenMouthPRO Basic and BabyTeeth Add on from PXL
Eyelashes: Eyelashes V2 from Little Pixels
Nails: Drippy Nails ToddleeDoo from Awwdorable
Pose: Classic - Classic 4 (m) from .click.

Special thanks to Viv.a! Kids 


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