Wednesday 8 May 2013

♥ Picking Daisies ♥

Today I took some time out from creating and just spent some time outdoors with my awesome mummy. We went on the Heritage sim to take some pics of us picking daisies together. I love the fact that the Heritage sim is pretty and you can rez on it, so perfect place for taking pics. 

I wasn't feeling the best in RL either, so this was just what I needed. 

As usual I couldn't decide which pic I liked better.. so I uploaded a few (lol, sorry for the picture spammage). The very last one is one my mummy took and I edited it a bit. I love the shadows and things on it.. I don't have that in mine. Probably because I wasn't running ultra and my windlight settings are always on studio.

I'm wearing the new Wacky Wednesday Outfit from Baby Pie. It's adorable. Comes in a few different colours, but I preferred the purple one.

On me:
Outfit: Becky ToddleeDoo Denim Jumper Outfit from Baby Pie
Hair: Hair*114*Mocha from Love Soul
On mummy:
Top: anderson.blues from ColdLogic
Jeans: Mesh Flare jeans * #5 from Maitreya
Shoes: Fae [A] Khaki from Pixel Mode
Hair: Layla - Browns from Chemistry
Pose: Picking Daisies from Say Cheese!
Location: Heritage Sim


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