Friday 10 May 2013

♥ New In World Store ♥

Yay, so excited to have a store again! 

Thank you mummy for not letting me back out for the millionth time. You see.. I had been wrestling with the idea of opening a store in world again for a while and without the gentle nudge my mummy gave me, well, this probably wouldn't have happened. Hopefully I'll be able to get in on some of the events and things now, which is very exciting.

I'm next to Razzberry Inc and opposite CuteBytes on the awesome Hullabalo sim.

Come visit my store in world by clicking my store name here, it's a SLURL: Kaci's Creations @ Hullabaloo

The store might change its look, as I just literally put it all in for now.. it may not stay this way. I'm not sure yet! 
Anyway, for this shoot I decided I'd incorporate my new store as the background (yes, I know, shameless self promoting) while I show off this very pretty dress my mummy got me when we were at the ToddleeDoo Fair last.. but unfortunately I managed to lose it in my mess of an inventory and only now just found it so I could wear it! 

Front of my store

Still outside.. but zoomed in a bit

Inside looking down at one end of the store
 Outfit: Blooming Spring - outfit from Petit Poussin
Hair with bows: Hair*139*Mocha from Love Soul


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