Saturday 11 May 2013

♥ Being a Princess ♥

Sometimes life gets crazy in RL and SL and you need to take a step back and just be someone else for a day. 

So when this happens I tend to like to pretend I'm a Princess.. any excuse to dress up in a big sparkly gown and I'm all over it! 

This particular sparkly dress if from Sew Cute.. and it is soooo cute. It comes with a crown and a wand (which isn't shown here) but I love how it's all sparkly all around me. 

Just when I decide to be a Princess our RP sim we're on decides it's going to have a big storm.. not the ideal weather for wearing this.. lol.. my mummy and I took a walk in the rain under the cover of her umbrella.. and we found people huddled around power lines that were down in the street. Lots of emergency vehicles and concerned residents standing around.. we ended up going back home before I caught a cold.

In other news, I'm looking to be joining in Wacky Wednesday.. yay! Keep your eyes peeled for that.

Outfit: Purple Princess Dress - TD from Sew Cute
Hair: Hair "Flora" (Brown Diamond) from D!va


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