Monday 13 May 2013

♥ Tornado! ♥

I had to ride out a tornado on my own.. mummy was busy in real life yesterday and there was a big tornado which touched down on our Sim. I panicked and hid in my bed (which thankfully is all enclosed) and waited for it to go. 

I managed to snap a load of pics though.. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves really.
This is when I saw the storm approaching..

When I saw it form and it all went dark

It merrily destroys the house across the street..

It's now in our driveway! I'm upstairs hiding.

It made its way all around our yard.. terrifying!

It's approaching!

This is where I started screaming.. but it was polite enough to go up the front path..

Started to try to take our house.. went over us.. I screamed a lot!

Residents were gathered in this building for safety.. the tornado didn't care

After causing mayhem it leaves to wreck the sim next door..


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