Tuesday 14 May 2013

♥ Relaxation time ♥

As you're all probably aware it was Mothers Day in the US yesterday. My mummy is in the US whereas I am not.. but I still tried to celebrate it with her anyways. Due to RL obligations she wasn't able to stick around for very long on Mothers Day itself, but today more than made up for it. I ♥ my mummy so much. 

I got my mummy a spa basket gift set thingy from Spronkwings for Mothers Day in her fav colour orange, along with some flowers in a mug, a "Mommie" bracelet and a really bad scribble of mummy and myself that I whipped up in photoshop. Oddly the lamest present (in my opinion at least) was the one that made mummy tear up (the bad drawing!) I hope you all got your mummy's some awesome gifts too! 

But this blog post is inspired by my mummy's quick thinking. Thanks mummy! She thought it would be awesome to use the spa basket gift set thing I got her for Mothers Day and have a girly relaxation day today. It was a super cute idea and was too good not to incorporate into a blog post somehow.

Mummy declared that I had to have a bath first before the true pampering could begin. I hate baths! I wasn't going to go down without a fight! 

Here's how it unfolded:

"What do you means me has to have soap too?!"

"Okies.. fine.. but only if me can has nuggets after.."
"Why does we puts cucumber on our face and not eats it?"

"Mummy.. we looks like aliens."
Close up of me.. looking.. like.. well.. like me has cucumber on my face and just put my head into some cake frosting..
Outfit on me:
Bubble Baby Bath Costume for Yabu Babies & ToddleeDoo from Aura's
Spa Time Flower Girl from LVS KIDS  (this came with bubbles too, but I didn't use these ones for the pics, except the nose one)
Hair: Hair"Manon" (Type A) (Brown Diamond) from D!va
Poses: Bath Tantrum Fat Pack from Candii Kitten

Outfit on mummy:
Robe etc came from Mothers Day at the Spa Basket Clay from Spronkwings
Hair: Hair"Manon" (Type A) (Brown Diamond) from D!va


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