Sunday 5 May 2013

♥ You think this is a game? ♥

Appropriate title choice for right now I think, well, considering SL drama and the fact that in this picture I'm playing Candy Land on my own.. not quite sure how I managed to do that, but I'm a special girl! ♥

People sometimes forget that the person behind the avatar in SL has feelings.. I just want to remind you all to try to keep that in mind when you next have a disagreement with someone on SL. Actually, scrap that.. keep it in mind for SL -and- RL. People have feelings.. period. Also, while we're on the subject.. people have issues too. Some people have more issues than others and some people are more understanding about said issues than others. I'm not sure where I was going with this rant.. but I just want people to know they're not alone I guess.

Anyways, now we got the depressing part out of the way.. onto the good news. My mummy started seeing someone, so that's pretty exciting. I don't know how it will go, but fingers crossed it will go well and who knows he might even become my daddy! Okay, maybe that's getting my hopes up too much.. we'll see. I've also started to dabble at making grownups clothes.. to branch out to different areas a little. I'm not sure how that will go either! I think adult clothing will be a harder market to crack.. Guess it's a game of wait and see on both of those.

Just came back from a friends adoption party, which socially awkward me felt really silly at.. but regardless, I had fun.. but the lag monster consumed me and I had to retreat home.. so I decided to carry on the fun at my house with a game of Candy Land. The Candy Land table is super cute and has two seats with multiple poses, some yummy food that you can click on to get a chicken nugget and a flower that plays the whole "Call me maybe" song. It even has a dance in it! Super cute and it was so cheap too! Was very impressed with it and decided I had to show it off some how.. so here it is:

And the winner is.. me!
Outfit: Janice Outfit Purple from RaWr MuFFinz
Hair: Mayumi3 (brown diamond) from D!va
Table: Homes-Candy Land Game Table from Tiddly Bits


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