Friday 3 May 2013

♥ Potty Like a Rockstar ♥

I've not created anything for the longest time, but thanks to some awesome birthday gifts to celebrate my RL birthday.. I felt a spark of creativity and came up with something new. Hopefully the first of many more to come.Thank you to everyone for my birthday gifts. Among the things I got, besides fab meshes.. I got panda rings and an awesome batshelf.

I present to you "Potty Like a Rockstar" now available on the Marketplace for 99 lindens.

Adorable ToddleeDoo Overalls Outfit, with clothes HUD, shoes and overalls for baby and kid included. I totally redesigned my logo and the way it all looks.. hopefully it was a change for the better.

Outfit: :KC: Potty Like a Rockstar from Kaci's Creations
Hair: Hair*139*Mocha from Love Soul


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