Friday 3 May 2013

♥ Camping Part 1 ♥

Okay, well, camping didn't exactly go according to plan and so this post is a lot later than I wanted it to be. Real life got in the way for everyone who was meant to be involved (sickness, my real life birthday, being busy etc) and it turned out being a mummy and me mini adventure in the end. 

Hopefully part 2 (whenever that will be) of this will be better and show more of the camp and the activities that are available at Aero Pines Park. They have a lot to offer and if you're looking for a camping spot to have some fun roleplay on, you should rent a spot with them. Lots to do and it's nice being able to set up your own stuff. Thanks mummy for suggesting we do this.

We ended up starting out sitting at the camp fire and having some spooky stories.. they were pretty scary actually. More than I thought they were going to be! 

After I was suitably afraid..  mummy drove us around for a bit in the RV. It was fun and a couple of times we almost ended up going over the edge of a cliff. At this point I asked mummy if driving the RV was harder than the car, but she said it was easier!

I can't wait until we get to do more of the activities here.. but at least we had a bit of time together here.

"Mummy I'm scared!"

Just the front view of our awesome RV

Inside the front of the RV

"Mummy wait.. me has to get a picture of this!"

I think we lost the road a little..
 Outfit: Army Girl from WoopsieDoo
Flashlight: Flashity Flashlight from BoOgErS (an awesome present, thankies!)
 Hair: "Miu"(Type B)(Black amber) from D!va
 Ring: Doughnut Ring from Yummy (Found at Collabor88) 
Car Seat: Car Seat Gen 2 from Sweet Baby


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