Wednesday 24 April 2013

♥ Sometimes you just have to hug a Zebra ♥

Yeah, don't ask.. I just felt like hugging a Zebra.. cos sometimes you just have to!

I'm going camping tomorrow with my mummy, Unkie Nyo, mummy's best friend and maybe anyone else we can rope into joining us. I'm super excited. I've never been camping before, RL or SL.. so this is gonna be fun! I'll be definitely blogging that.

I wanted to put up this cute dress (thanks Unkie Nyo.. oh my goodness I am so spoilt) before I head off though.. it's getting on to being 5am for me and I need to have a bath and change my bedding before I can go to bed. Sleeping all day and being awake all night sometimes is okay, but it's getting silly now. 

Outfit: Polka Dress *Pink* from -peekabee-
Hair: Hair"Miu" (Type B) (Black amber) from D!va
Ring: Doughnut Ring from Yummy
Zebra: Sawyer Zebra from *AR*


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