Sunday 21 April 2013

♥ Whale of a time.. ♥

How cute are these chalk poses from .click. that are available at Pose Fair 2013? I just adore them. I wanted all of them.. well, all except the butterfly one of course - since butterflies scare me! Yeah, I know.. I'm a weirdo. 

Being a kid is so much easier than being a grownup.. seriously.. wish I could do it in real life. Real life has been pretty depressing and I seem to just worry people, it's so nice to have SL as an escape from all the RL drama.. but sadly it somehow manages to always bleed in a little bit, no matter how much I try to keep them separate. -Sighs- 

Anyways, here's me having a whale of a time in the driveway.. and trying to forget my troubles. Luckily mummy doesn't seem to mind me covering the driveway in chalk. She's truly awesome. ♥

                Outfit: Periwinkle Tiered Peasant Complete TD Outfit from Baby Pie
            Hair: Megumi Mesh Hair - Night Shadow - Blacks from Wasabi Pills
                    Ring: Doughnut Ring from Yummy (found at Collabor88)
                    Pose: Whale Chalk from .click. (found at Pose Fair 2013)


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