Wednesday 5 June 2013

♥ Gonna Make It Through Somehow ♥

Pre-warning.. get ready for a wall of text. This is my wordiest post to date.

Things have been a bit depressing lately. I've had a lot to deal with in real life and I've not had my mummy around on Second Life to talk to much either. Keeping it short and sweet, real life sucks but Second Life hasn't been much better lately. I do thank my small network of creator friends for being so awesome and supportive though.. you should know who you all are.

My sales are way down too.. even though I keep trying to bring out new content and participate in things like Wacky Wednesday. I think I've only made one sale through Wacky Wednesday so far actually - which is really pathetic. Maybe I'm just not a good creator. Maybe it's because I don't have a store group yet..? Nah.. it's probably more that I'm not good enough and there are a bunch of awesome creators who I am up against (my friends included in that)

Yep, as you can probably tell from how I'm talking.. I'm on a bit of a downer. I'm sure everyone goes through these dark patches where everything feels kinda hopeless and pointless at some stage.

I did however manage to get into the gacha event at The Arcade. It only took me 4 days of trying. I must have tried to teleport there at least 100 times a day. I've never had a problem with getting in on previous rounds. I guess it's probably got even more known now and possibly each round it will get harder to get into. If you've not managed to get in yet, don't worry too much.. it's running all month and it's bound to die down a bit soon.

I was pretty peeved though when I noticed a few avatars that were just there afk.. not even pretending to be there.. blatantly afk (slouched over with the AFK sign above their heads) If you're not gonna be at your computer for longer than 3 minutes I think you should tp out.. it only seems fair. Give people a chance to spend their money on things they really don't need but want. lol

Also.. while I'm on my soapbox.. I totally get that the items at the gacha event are awesome, but could you all please wait until you leave to throw everything on your avatar? Thanks so much! I'm just tired of seeing an avatar walking around there wearing practically everything wearable from the gachas that they could fit onto their avatar in one go. It's laggy as it is in there without you contributing to it by showing off what an inconsiderate person you are.

I spent far too much again, more than I had initially anticipated. I sort of set an allowance in my head and then that set limit went out of the window when I was determined that just one more try would give me the item I wanted. Of course it didn't. I didn't really get any of the things I wanted.. and was disappointed to find out after hitting the ragdoll machine 3 times (thinking they were super cute and would look awesome in my room) are actually avatars. I tried to get all the plushies again, but ended up having to give up after it spat out the fourth copy of one I already had. I've now decided I both love and hate The Arcade.

I spent a lot of time on the Hullabaloo Sim earlier.. in case you've been living under a rock, there's an event over there right now which is part of the whole "Berry Festival" thing. You can go there and pick up a basket and pick berries for prizes on the stalls.. you need so many different types of berries for different prizes. Strawberries seem to be a popular one. I ended up getting the super cute cupcake house, 2 outfits and the cute nails. Thanks to my awesome friends for sharing their berries with me so I could get the things I wanted! 

I had a huge inventory crisis earlier which got me all in a flap. Luckily I had my patient friends online to calm me down and sit through my many relogs and various attempts at getting things to rectify. It was the weirdest thing.. I was just walking and then boom my whole inventory tried to attach itself to me. I would take it all off and it'd just instantly come back on again.. take it off.. and it's back with some more items! For some reason it only picked on one folder.. my building folder.. so I was like wearing houses and parts to build things with. It was weird! In case anyone should encounter this problem.. first, breathe.. second, remove EVERYTHING you're wearing. The whole lot. Just go to worn and take off everything.. HUDs, hair, shoes, alphas, eyes.. the whole lot! Then go to (assuming you're running Firestorm) Avatar --- Avatar Health --- then click the appropriate character test depending on if you're avi is male or female. Clear cache and log out. When you log back in you can now try to remember all the components that make up your avatar and re-add them. It kinda reminded me of the days way back when where you'd TP and end up with attachments up your butt.. like your hair and shoes up your butt. Only this was a million times worse.

Anyway, this is probably the longest post I've ever done and now I've probably bored you all to tears.. so now I'll show off the outfit that I've been wearing the last few days cos it's super cute. I also took the liberty of decorating the driveway with a panda.. because well, if you didn't get the memo.. I love pandas.

Outfit: Lil Sailor from Babysteps
Hair: Hair*114*Mocha from [Love Soul]
Cheek Sparkles from oh Daisies
Panda Chalk Drawing with drawing animation from Precious Angels


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