Wednesday 5 June 2013

♥ Beach Bum ♥

Well, I just got made homeless.. my mummy hasn't been on in a while to pay the rent and last I had heard she didn't have electricity and she kept having tornado warnings and stuff. I hope everything is okay.. 

So, after all my stuff was sent back to me and I was kicked out of the group for the land.. I did what any sane person would do and hit the beach. Over on the Baby Pie sim there is now a beach and a swimming pool, so that's where I went and I hopped on one of the lilos (not sure what they're called in other parts of the world) that was already out in the pool and tried to forget about my troubles. That's quite close enough to the water for me.. I don't do getting wet.

I'm wearing the adorable outfit from Candii Kitten which I got yesterday from picking berries on the Hullabaloo sim. I'm also wearing the strawberry nails that I got there too from Cute Bytes. Super cute strawberry beachy look. I ♥ it.

Outfit: Berrilicious ToddleeDoo Only! from Candii Kitten
Nails: Cute Nails - Strawberry from Cute Bytes
Hair: Hair*114*Mocha from [Love Soul]
Cheek Sparkles from oh Daisies
Lilo: (Already there on Baby Pie sim) but it's from the Gacha Event 


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