Thursday 6 June 2013

♥ Prehistoric Pals ♥

Firstly many huge thanks to my awesome friend Kaitlyn for letting me rent a house in the sky until my mummy either returns or I get back on my feet somehow.. whatever happens you rock. I didn't remain homeless for long, yay! It's a very cute house with an upstairs and downstairs.. it's lacking a living room and a kitchen so far, but everything else is in.

Secondly, I caved in and got the entire collection of prehistoric plushies. It cost a small fortune to get them all, but it was worth it.  I found it easier to go round to yard sales to get the few I was missing. Now I have the circus collection and the prehistoric collection.. now if only I had the collection from the round that I didn't know about before the circus one.. -pouts- I think it was Barn Yard ones..

Anyways, me had to show them all off again.. ♥

Outfit: Morgan Pink from Baby Pie
Pose: 'tude 4 from .click.
Nails: Cute Nails - Strawberry from Cute Bytes (Berry Festival)
Hair: Hair*114*Mocha from [Love Soul]
Cheek Sparkles from oh Daisies
Piglet Nom from: S&B Pooh Bear Cookie Jar from Spronkwings
Tent, rug and suitcases: Rayne Teepee - Pink from Petite Bowtique
Prehistoric Plushies and accessories from Intrigue Co. 
(The Gacha Event at The Arcade)


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