Sunday 9 June 2013

♥ Rock Matey ♥

This cute outfit is from Tiddleywinks. Sadly they no longer have an in world store, but you can find this outfit here: .:TW:. Matey (TD) 
At only 80 lindens it's a steal! 

The Rocking Horse is from Odonata (you can find them over at Lil Dreams Mall) and has two animations in it. One of the animations is where you're riding like I am in the picture and the other is where you're sat on it backwards. There are a lot of different colours to choose from, the silver one was my personal fav though.

 Outfit: Matey (TD) from Tiddleywinks
Hair: Hair*114*Mocha from [Love Soul]
Nails: Glitter NailPolish - TD (black) from .Petit Poussin./oh Daisies
Rocking Horse: Rocking Horse Silver from Odonata 


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