Thursday 20 June 2013

♥ Life's like a jump rope.. ♥

Not much to report really.. it seems everyone is preparing to go to camp in Second Life except me. I miss out on these kind of things due to not being in school, having a family or knowing the first thing about how to even find out about camp.

I've actually not been in Second Life a whole lot the last few days, other than to make things. It's pretty much a get in and get out as soon as you're done experience. I've felt very lonely in general, my creator friends have been busy with school, camp and building.. and since I have no family any more I've not really had much of a reason to stick around. It's sad. I'm still not sure whether I want to try for another family or not.. 

I've been playing a lot of silly games in real life to cheer me up and watching a lot of documentaries too while laying in bed, since right now that's pretty much all I can do. I've felt so poorly that I've probably spent the last 3 weeks confined to my bed. At least I've tried to keep myself busy on the computer and my mind stimulated a little, otherwise I think I'd probably go nuts! 

The title of my post is inspired by the song - Jump Rope - Blue October. "Life's like a jump rope.. up, down, up, down.." so true. Though mostly I seem to encounter the down side of life. I've been told when you hit rock bottom the only way you can go is up.. but things have just seemed to have stalled. Sometimes I think people tell you things just to make you feel better.

Anyway, enough about depressing things and real life.. today I wanted to show off another outfit from Tiddleywinks, which you can find on the Marketplace for 80 lindens here It's so cute and it's kind of unique too.. well, unique in the way that I'd never really pair these two colours together normally.. but they work surprisingly well. 

With this outfit I teamed the super cute Pink Game Boy Plushie from McKidz. It was the perfect accessory for this outfit. It's huggable too and when you click the face the expression changes to whatever you choose. McKidz has a store full of goodies in world and a bunch of gacha machines inside too, so, be sure to check them out!

Also in the background is a really cute outdoor furniture set from Basically Bratty Kids. I love how it's sized for us kids and it's perfect for when you have all your friends over. I actually have a picture in world of four of us sitting around it all chatting and it makes me smile.. no grownups allowed! Your butts are way too big for this! But that's what I like about it.. it fits me perfectly and looks super awesome in my "garden" area in my Sky box. It's texture change too, so when you click it you can pick from a variety of textures to match your personality. Too awesome.

Outfit: Gabby (TD) from Tiddleywinks
Hair: Hair"Mayumi3" (Brown diamond) from D!va
Nails: Glittery/Shiny Nails from *oh Daisies*
Cheek Sparkles: Cheek Sparkles from *oh Daisies*
Rings: Pandoo ring pink from [tea.s] and 
Mesh flower ring pink from Kaci's Creations
Huggable plushie: Pink Game Boy Plushies from McKidz
Table and chair set: Kids iron outdoor furniture from Basically Bratty Kids


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