Monday 17 June 2013

♥ Read all about it.. ♥

Since it's still just little ol' me these days. I tried to make my kitchen area in my sky box look a bit like a real kitchen with this adorable play kitchen from Larnia Kids. Of course it doesn't really work, which is probably a good thing or I might not even have a sky box when I'm through trying to cook. I'm still slowly trying to furnish the downstairs of my sky box.. I wish there was a cute little dining set just for ToddleeDoo's.. if you know of a cute one, let me know!

I pulled out an older outfit for this because I just think it's awesome.. it's from The Blossom. I think it's a pretty popular outfit for her and you can see why.. it's pretty awesome. Oh.. and yes, -that- ring is back on again. It took a while to pry it off my finger and I had to dig it out again as I thought it would be perfect for this shoot. 

I've been keeping myself busy with my in world stores. Yes, stores.. you heard right. I must be crazy having three in world currently. I'm not even doing that brilliantly on them, I guess I feel like the more exposure they have then I'll hopefully bring more people in who actually buy from me. My most sold outfit is now the free bikini I put out in two of my three stores and on marketplace. Typical.. my most sold is the free one. Haha. Oh well.. at least I provided something for free to the ToddleeDoo community, so I feel pretty good about that.  Don't forget I have a blog for my store to keep you up to date on everything.. shameless self plug but here:

Outfit: Triangle shorts outfit TD from .The Blossom.
Hair: Hair*139*Mocha from Love Soul
Ring: Doughnut Ring from Yummy Accessories
Nails: Glittery/Shiny Nails from *oh Daisies*
Cheek Sparkles: Cheek Sparkles from *oh Daisies*
Kitchen: Little Star Kitchen from Larnia Kids


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