Sunday 8 September 2013

♥ Puppies! ♥

If you've been reading for a while you'll be well aware that I've been collecting the plushies from Intrigue Co at The Arcade. I missed the first two rounds, sea creatures and barn animals.. and I'm really sad about that. I did however manage to pick up one of the sea creature plushies randomly at a yard sale yesterday, so I was pretty stoked about that. 

Anyways, I used a different tactic this time around for getting plushies.. decided to hit yard sales first and buy all the plushies I could find.. and then I eventually got impatient hunting for the last few I needed and sulkily hit The Arcade for them. I ended up having to sell off a lot of copies, but I did complete my set and that's the main thing! 

Aren't they all so adorable? I think my fav is Maisy the yorkie.. she's adorable with her little bow in her hair.

Puppy Park Play Time
Outfit: Caitlyn from Baby Pie
Hair: Sunny Mesh Hair - Browns Pack from Wasabi Pills
Necklace: Mermaid Necklace - Melusine RARE from Marmelade (Gacha in store)
Left Bracelets: My PearLet Bracelet - 3 L from **Cute Bytes** (Woodland Gacha)
Alphabet Bracelet *Cherie in black* RARE from C*K (Heritage Gatcha Event)
Bag: The Unicorn Bag - Blueberry from Milk Motion (The Arcade)
Pose: Modelling Pack 2 - Pose 10 from Pixie Dust
Puppy plushies and accessories from Intrigue Co (The Arcade)
Right Bracelet: Starry Bracelet Dotty Princess from Buglets (Woodland Gacha)


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