Saturday 26 October 2013

♥ All in all, it's just another brick in the wall.. ♥

Hi everyone!

I've been really addicted to playing Krafties in world lately, so that's what I've been doing with my time mostly.. I'm slowly understanding more and more about how to play the game and get the most from it and thus my addiction grows stronger. Luckily my entire family seem to be addicted to playing on some level too, so it works out pretty nicely. My brother is my to go to guru for anything related to it, he's been playing since Krafties hit the grid and has been so awesome at helping me figure it all out.

Speaking of my brother, he's still blogging and you can find his awesome blog here: TimmyzTime

Anyway, today I managed to rope him into posing with me too. Thanks, bro, you rock! ♥

We're both sporting awesome Soken Kids wear. The overalls my brother have on were actually a freebie, how awesome is that? Totally dig nicely made freebies, because too often the freebies people put out there end up straight in my trash can.
Yep, I'm wearing panda overalls.. I know, I know, how predictable of me? But they're seriously cute and go well with my shoulder panda I got at a gatcha at D Labs ages ago. I love how thick Soken meshes are, they don't look paper thin and flimsy like a lot of meshes do.. these ones have a nice bulk to them and look more durable (which is what you need with kids.. lol) 
We're also both wearing Baby Swag sneakers.. I'm in love with their sneakers at the moment and they work really well with Soken clothes, which is always a huge plus. It can be a pain to find shoes to compliment some meshes sometimes, so it's nice when you can just walk into a store and know somehow you can make it work. 

I experimented with this picture by using a blue filter to give it that colder feeling, blurring it slightly and attempting some weird artsy thing with the border. Not 100% sure if I like it or not.. I find experimentation can go one of two ways, either you pull off something utterly amazing and try to remember what combination of buttons/sliders you used.. or it's an epic fail. I'm not a very good judge at when it's awesome or when it's a fail, so I put it out there for you lovely people to decide.

On me:
Outfit: TD Panda Overalls MESH from Soken Kids
Shoes: Supa HighTops Ruf Black from Baby Swag
Panda accessory: Panda-Shoulder-N from d lab
Hair: Hair*139*Mocha from Love Soul
Ring: Pandoo Ring - Black from tea.s
Cheek sparkles and Glitter nails from Oh Daisies

On Timmy:
Outfit: TD Chucky Overalls MESH from Soken Kids
Shoes: Baby Jay 5s Fatpack from Baby Swag
Hair: Noah from Argrace
Binky: Halloween Binky set from PipSqueaKs!

Pose from Heirloom (from gatcha event)


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