Tuesday 22 October 2013

♥ Ribbet.. ♥


I hope you are all having fun at The Tricky Treats Gatcha Village. I went round and picked up a lot of cool things.. hope you all did too. Who knew I needed a toothbrush? But as soon as I saw it I had to have it!

Anyway, my awesome twin brother has started a blog of his very own.. so as not to be outdone by his sister >:D  You can view his awesome blog here: Timmyztime It's still in it's very early stages, but hopefully it will be a regular thing.

Speaking of my brother.. I have to get this off my chest.. but a creator from The Limited 50 event was really horrible to my brother. The creator behind Auxiliary. Now they make amazing things and I loved all the effort they went to.. and so did he.. but he contacted them and said how he loved their stuff and how last round he missed out on a hoodie and asked cheekily if he could have one.. totally expecting a no, since it was a limited 50 item.. but you never know unless you ask. The creator starts cussing at him and saying how it's.. well, I can't post the exact wording here because it's not PG.. but basically saying that he shouldn't ask the creator to lie. Which, I agree with in a way.. it was just the way the whole thing was handled. Cussing at a child avatar is not cool first and foremost.. and they could have simply said, "Aw, thanks I am glad you like my stuff.. I really appreciate it! But, I'm sorry, no I can't do that.. but I'm flattered you liked it so much to ask!" Anyway it went on like that and a couple of my family members got involved.. because my brother was really upset over it and rightly so. Anyway, they got involved and basically told the creator how they thought it was out of order.. some politely and others not so much.. but regardless, they all received a nasty foul mouthed response. Pretty much saying that they don't care if it's a child avatar, it's still an adult behind the screen and blah blah blah.. after hearing all that rant I decided they're probably creating for the wrong market if they're going to treat their target customers that way. I just think the whole thing was handled badly and could have been dealt with a lot better. I said to myself, "Perhaps they were just having a bad day" and then I thought on it and how I deal with my customers.. and I've had people IM me wanting help or something or other at a really bad time and I've never been rude not once. In real life my mother told me if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. So, when I'm in a bad mood or whatever and someone messages me and it's not the right time.. I simply just pretend I'm afk until I'm cool, calm and collected. Yes, I realise right now I'm not sticking to that.. but the whole thing got me so mad.. and I really needed to vent. Nobody should be treated that way, child avatar, furry avatar, regular grownup avatar, robot, whatever.. nobody! I was just so shocked that someone as established and talented would talk that way to anyone.. so, yeah, rant over. Just be glad you can't read what was actually said because there were a great deal of obscenities being thrown around. Not one by my brother either, should I add.

Anyway, now that rant is over.. got this adorable froggy outfit from Pipo for a bargain 50 lindens. I love how well it is textured, it's a lot like her monster ones in that regard.. beautifully done. For 50 lindens I was gobsmacked and it had to be mine. Sadly I couldn't find any hair to fit under the hood though and was feeling far too lazy to attempt to edit my hair.. but I still think it looks adorable. I'm on a nail kick too right now so when I found these diamond encrusted nails from Tiddleywinks, I just had to have them. Why should grownups have all the fun with nails?! I wanted to make my own nails, but the kit costs 5k.. and that's just far too much (although with it you can make skins etc for different avis too) but all I wanted to do was make nails.. so it seemed a little excessive. 

In the background is a Nightmare Before Christmas bedroom set my amazingly talented brother modded.. I keep prodding him to make one for sale and not just from pieces he's bought and modified, because I think it's epic.

Anyway, peace and love.. and "Ribbet!" ♥


Little Frog Costume <Green> from {Pipo}
Diamon Encrusted Nails TD from TiddleyWinks


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