Tuesday 29 October 2013

♥ Riding family out ♥

Caution: Long boring ramble/rant ahead.. skip to final paragraph if you came just for the outfit info.

So, I got my wish in a way.. I am officially born, since that family I was waiting on being born into has failed. Long story short, my brother left over some drama with another family member, so I followed him. Twins stick together after all. I think maybe we're doomed family wise, we've been through so many.. as much as we both just want to give up and be content by ourselves, somehow we feel we -need- parents.. so we continue our search to find that forever family that fit with us. 

We both have our share of issues, so maybe that is what makes it difficult.. plus we're online a lot and some kids manage to stick it out long term with their parents because they're hardly ever on. Kinda hard to annoy your family or be annoyed by your family when you only come on once in a blue moon, of course you're gonna be long term family! In real life you don't get the luxury of picking and choosing your family, so if things are bad.. you either cut that person out of your life and move on (which I've done with a number of people in my RL family cos they're... well.. I can't say the word in my PG blog, but I'm sure you get the idea) but at least on SL if you don't get on with your family, you can just go find another and hope for the best again.. you don't have to stick around and try to make it work. 

I think if that drama hadn't of happened, we'd have left over something else anyway. It seems the trial period was amazing and then after it was official, it went downhill rather rapidly.. those trials are very deceptive. It's kinda like social services coming over to your house to check everything is okay and the parents clean everything up, smile and act like everything is awesome and then when they leave world war three breaks loose! Okay, maybe an extreme comparison.. but you get where I'm going.

Little bit annoyed too that we left nice messages on Skype for the parents to say why we were leaving and we were sorry and thanked them for having us etc.. and we didn't hear anything back, not even an offline IM in Second Life. We even stayed up late waiting for a response on Skype, which never came.. I was getting so tired so I said to my brother on Skype, "I'm going to check Second Life website to see if they're on" and yep, sure enough they were.. they were just ignoring our message. I think if they truly cared they'd have messaged us back and tried to get us to sort it out or at least acknowledged what we had said. Oh well.. guess that proves too that it just wasn't meant to be.

Anyways, back to the drawing board.. again. I think from the start of this blog you've now witnessed 3 different families. We're not kids in it for the money or anything either.. our last family we asked for nothing from them, why would we? We both sell things and make our own money and if we want something we buy it.. I even had land I rented and paid for myself just for my breedables so I don't have to use up my parents prims. I didn't ask for money for my store rent either. If people gift me things that's their choice, but never will I ask for anything. So, for those people out there that think all kid avatars want is money.. that's really not true at all. Sure it can be for some kids.. I've seen my fair share of kids that look all noob, go to an adoption agency, get adopted.. get their parents to give them money to make them look better etc.. they transfer the money over to their alts and disappear off their kid. So, I'm not saying it doesn't happen.. but we're not those kind of kids!

Sorry, I'm ranting.. on to the main point of this post, which I'm sure is why you looked in the first place.... THE OUTFIT! 

This particular outfit is from Baby Pie and I love it. It's very this time of year and looks adorable. It goes well with this hair from Millie Bee too and the mittens from Click. The boots are also part of a fatpack of different colours at Baby Pie. I had to get them too.. 75 lindens for a whole bunch of boots like this in different colours, yes please! Sorry about the photoshopped in background, but the land my breedables is on is surrounded by ugly things and it's hard to find nice places that allow you to rez. I didn't feel like taking pictures in my store either, that's just weird.


Outfit: Winter Complete TD Outfit from Baby Pie
Hair: Little Kitty Hairs from Millie Bee
Mittens: Heart Button Mittens on a string from click (Tricky Treats Gatcha Village)
Ring: Pandoo Ring - Black from [tea.s]
Glitter nails and cheek glitter from Oh daisies
Pose: Riding a Horse from Say Cheese (Gatcha)


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