Friday 22 November 2013

♥ Little Hipster ♥

Well, my next project is fully under way.. so that's good. 

Today I got jabbed with a needle in real life for a blood test (well, technically yesterday now since it's gone midnight), so my arm is a bit sore.. so I'm gonna keep this brief. I know you probably get bored of my long winded rambles anyway.

So, this outfit is from That's So {Kyoot} and it really is cute. Another one of my fav stores at the moment. Can't get enough of it. I almost ended up being an official blogger for her, but we couldn't seem to get our schedules to line up in Second Life to talk about it. Sadness! Oh well, I'll just continue buying when I can and blogging the bits I manage to get.

Aren't the toy crates/boxes in the background just adorable? They're from BoOgers and I found them at Collabor88. I often forget about going there and sometimes miss out, but luckily this time I remembered to check to see what was there.


Outfit: Debbie from That's So {Kyoot}
Hair: Alexis - Browns from ploom
Ring: Pandoo Ring - Black from [tea.s]
Scarf: Heart Button Mittens on a String - Taupe from click (gatcha)
Plushie: Little Woodland Hipsters <Squirrel> from {Pipo}
Cheek Sparkles from Oh Daisies (Closed)
Nails: Diamond Encrusted Nails Brown from Tiddleywinks
In the background:
Toy Box for Collab88 from BoOgers (found at Collabor88)
Toy CrateStack for Collab88 from BoOgers (found at Collabor88)


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