Wednesday 20 November 2013

♥ Closing ♥

It seems everyone is shutting up shop in Second Life.. and I'm no exception. I'm having a sale in world as my last hurrah before I clear away everything. I have plans though, so it's not an end of the road forever kind of deal. I must be insane though, some things I've priced as low as 30 lindens.. the sale is only in world. So.. head on down to Kaci's Creations, before it's gone. 

Anyways, onto cheerier things.. like this adorable dotty outfit from Tiddleywinks. Find Tiddleywinks on marketplace, Tiddleywinks sells all sorts of goodies and for cheap prices too!


Outfit: Dani in Blue from Tiddleywinks
Hair: [01] Sweet from Magika
Ring: Pandoo Ring - Blue from [tea.s]
Nom: Alice Nom Nom from Figgis Construction (Closed)
Cheek Sparkles from Oh Daisies (Closed)
Nails: Diamond Encrusted Nails Blue from Tiddleywinks
Pose: Dollie Pose from Badger Spirit (Hunt gift)


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