Tuesday 19 November 2013

♥ Exclusive NoddleBobber ♥

Yay! I've been zooming around my daddy's land full of tigers he breeds today on my awesome "NoddleBobber" motorbike from ZoZo's. I don't think the tigers have been too happy about it, but I've had a blast. I love the way the bikes from ZoZo's are designed and how good the scripts handle. Check out the awesome funky colours on this bike too. I like how there's a few sit poses in it for when it's stationary too, you can even recline on it! Pretty awesome. I needed a few pictures to show off it's full awesomeness. These bikes are pretty exclusive, only 10 being sold, but despite only so many being sold you don't pay any more than regular price. That's a pretty sweet deal there. Usually you pay through the nose for a limited item! Just another of the many reasons this bike is awesome sauce.

I've also never blogged PewDee Pie before, but today, I am gonna! Isn't this Security outfit just too cute? I even took off to my grandmas house in it for a surprise visit to check everything was secure. I burst in their house with my daddy yelling, "SECURITY!" and we found it was mostly secure, apart from the front door being open granting us access. I went upstairs to find my grandma and grandpa in bed sleeping! Daddy told me to jump on the bed, so I did. I started yelling, "THIS IS SECURITY! WAKE UP!" They didn't wake up.. so I farted.. and still nothing, they just lay there breathing it in. At this point, we decided they probably were AFK and our efforts were useless.. so we retreated, me being suitably satisfied that the area was reasonably secure. Later on, having completely forgotten I did that, I got a message from my grandma saying she just got back to the computer and read local chat as my daddy left a message apparently telling her to. Bahahaha. She was a bit sad that she didn't get to see my security outfit though, so here it is grandma.. enjoy! ♥


Outfit: Security Outfit Bagged from PewDee Pie
Hair: [01] Sweet from Magika
Bracelet: Beaded Alphabet Bracelet *Cherie in Black* RARE from Candii Kitten (Gatcha)
Awesome bike: NoddleBobber from ZoZo's
Glitter nails and cheek glitter from Oh Daisies (Closed)
Pose: Diva 2 from .click.


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