Sunday 24 November 2013

♥ Out of sorts ♥

Oh my goodness, I've been so sleepy lately. I've found myself managing to sleep all night and all day for two days straight.. like I'll go to bed at around midnight and wake up at 5pm. It's ever since they took blood from me at the hospital. It's like they sucked my life force out with a syringe! Give me my mojo back! Although, saying that, I haven't actually managed to sleep at all tonight.. I guess those epic sleeps did the trick. 

I've been busy with my mummy in world, busily working on my next project. It's gonna be awesome and I can't wait to share.. but first we need to get it complete. It's definitely getting there though. Very exciting!

Baby Pie does it again with yet another super duper cute outfit! There's not much else to be said other than it's awesome and I love it. I eagerly anticipate Baby Pie releases.. because they all rock. The original meshes definitely help, but I think even if she textured other peoples meshes I would still love them, hug them and call them George. Okay, maybe not the last part.. but you know what I mean.. -Giggles-


Outfit: Adelaid TD Complete Outfit from Baby Pie
Hair: [01] Sweet from Magika
Ring: Doughnut Ring from Yummy
Bracelet: Starry Bracelet Dotty Princess from Buglets
Cheek Sparkles from Oh Daisies (Closed)
Nails: Glitter Sparkle Nails Brown from Tiddleywinks
Pose: Diva 5 from .click.


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