Monday 11 November 2013

♥ Super awesome day for Super Girl ♥

Today was the best day I've ever had in Second Life.. and I owe it all to my mummy and daddy. I can say that now without hesitation since it was finalized today! 

[12:50] Make A Wish Adoption Panel: CONGRATULATIONS !! The TRIAL period is over and the ADOPTION is confirmed!

We knew this was coming so my very awesome parents set up a party for me. Mummy decorated a parcel just for this purpose. I was so nervous that nobody would show up, but thankfully a few people did and I thank you all for coming.. it was so much fun! We started things off with a game of greedy to break the ice, then we moved onto a story.. mummy read on voice "Pooh and Piglet go hunting" for us all. It was an awesome story! After the story we did the treasure hunt that mummy had done specially for the day. The clues were awesome and rhymed and took us some finding to get a couple, but with teamwork we did it! We all got a little goody bag at the end of it too. Yay. Then we all got our groove on over on the dance floor, with my awesome friend ZoZo spinning the tracks for us. We had some Disney mixes and then moved onto some awesome rock tunes. Thanks again, ZoZo! You rock! After we were all suitably pooped from that, most people disappeared.. and the party was winding down. ZoZo stayed and we all watched Monsters University in a special cinema mummy had constructed. The movie was pretty awesome too! Did I mention that I have the best parents in Second Life ever? If not, well, they are! Love you both so much and thank you again for the best day ever ♥

We all had awesome costumes on too. I was Super Girl, mummy was Wonder Woman and daddy was Batman! I let him be Batman for the day since I usually fill this role.. I don't care if Batman is a guy, he's the best and I am usually him! Today I felt like being generous and let my daddy take over, being Batman all the time is a job of work. Other costumes that made an appearance from other attendees to my party were: Merida (Brave), Queen of Hearts, a panda, an elephant, Robin Hood, Peter Pan, Wood Cutter, Little Red Riding Hood, Maid Marion, Alice in Wonderland and later on my grandma and grandpa showed up in costume too.. my grandpa came as a bear! Rawr!

My parents then surprised me with my very own pony (specifically for toddleedoo avatars) and a wad of cash.. I am so spoilt!

All in all, I had the best day ever. Here's what I was wearing! I'd show you the pictures mummy took of the day, but I don't have permission from everyone that was involved to go ahead and post them.. and I don't want to impinge on any ones privacy. Thank you again everyone that came, you are all awesome. Hope you had a good time and thank you so much to my parents for giving me the best day I've ever had here. Love you both a whole ton! ♥


Outfit: Superbaby from {That's So Kyoot}
Hair: Sugar Rush Mesh Hair - Blonds Pack - Lemon Tea from Wasabi Pills
Ring: Chewnicorn Ring - Pink from [tea.s]
Bracelet: Conversation Trinket -Silver- XOXO from [tea.s]
Nails: Rock candy nails from Petite Bowtique


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