Wednesday 11 December 2013

♥ Wrap up warm ♥

Yep, I know I keep moaning about the cold.. but it truly is freezing! Not helped by the fact that I went to bed super late last night, only to have to get out of bed to the doorbell for an appointment I didn't even know was today. I didn't even have a chance to put my face on and had to sit through an appointment with an ugly face, clothes I just picked up randomly off the side to chuck on and sitting there not really concentrating.. just thinking I'd rather be in bed instead of having someone talk at me while I sat there looking disgusting. Ugh! Great start to the day.

On top of that.. a parcel was "delivered" apparently they tried to ring my doorbell and knock even while I was standing in the hallway.. and they just put a slip through saying that they'd left it with a neighbour. They didn't even bother knocking or ringing the doorbell cos I would have heard it.. so now I have to deal with a disgruntled other half who is too stubborn to go round and pick it up, since he doesn't know that particular neighbour.. and since it wasn't his fault he doesn't see why he should get it. I told him that it's in his name and if he doesn't get it.. he's likely losing money for whatever he bought. Knowing my luck it's probably one of my Christmas presents and his reaction to it was just "Meh, whatever, I'm not getting it. I don't care if I'm losing money, it wasn't my fault!" Men!!

Now I've got my real life ranting and raving out the way.. onto Second Life.. which is much more chillax and fun. Last night I spent a little time on my grownup avi, which I don't really do.. but no parents were on last night and I was bored so I decided I'd see what the grownup side of SL had to offer for a change. I ended up just going to The Arcade, getting some of the grownup clothing bits there.. dressing my avi up and then wandering around sims looking for someone to talk to. Did I find anyone? Nope! Where do grownups go to hang out besides icky places? It baffles me how grownups manage.. I seem to only ever meet noobs, weirdos or people that want icky things. So.. I went back onto my usual child avi and chatted to my kid friends for a bit, while I made this pic.

Sorry for any mistakes in this post, I usually proof read it.. but I can't be dealing with reading back the bad start to the day I've had! Oh great, now as I type this my cat is about to eat the Christmas tree..


Outfit: Unisex Duffle //Pink from {s.o} cute
Hair: Little Kitty Hairs from Millie Bee
Bracelet: Conversation Trinket -Silver- XOXO from [tea.s]
Alphabet ring: Vintage Alphabet Ring (Heart BL) RARE from ASO! (The Arcade)
Nails: Winter Garden Nail HUD from TiddleyWinks


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