Tuesday 10 December 2013

♥ Let it snow.. ♥

Feeling a bit down today because my throat is absolutely killing me.. blah.. and it's still freezing cold here. I feel like my Eeyore quote on my picture today pretty much sounds like how I'm feeling right now. But we've gotta look on the bright side, there's been no earthquakes. I've actually felt two earthquakes in my life time.. but thankfully they weren't anything major. I was in bed for one and heard it more than felt it.. weird. The UK doesn't really get them on the scale that most other places do, touch wood. 

Put the Christmas tree up finally yesterday, so at least my home looks a little bit Christmassy. I hate constructing the tree (yes, we used an artificial this year) and I'm too short to ensure the lights look good the whole way up.. but I enjoy decorating it with baubles! We used to put tinsel on it too, but have since decided it looks tacky.. plus my cat likes to eat it and we end up removing very festive looking poo from his litter box since it has tinsel poking out in all directions. He's obsessed with the tree and we're already getting exhausted from telling him off whenever he goes near it. He just wants to eat the branches for some reason! When he was a kitten he would knock the baubles off the lower branches, but now he's so big he can stand up on his back legs and have the whole thing over if he's not careful. Being part Norwegian Forest and part naughty fat kitty he's a nightmare to control when it comes to the tree! 

We've almost done our Christmas shopping, minus about 4 presents.. and of course all the Christmas food. I think everyone goes mental when it comes to Christmas food.. don't even get me started! 

Anyways, on to this outfit. It's from Ello Poppet and is so cute. I love the collar on it and the fluffy boots. I love these nails from Tiddleywinks too, I wish you could see them up close.. but they're so awesome and Christmassy. The umbrella is awesome too, it's from Cute Bytes found at the Woodland Treasure Gatcha event. It has snow that falls on it and coats the top of the umbrella over time, a teleport effect and it can be opened and closed. There are lots of colours to collect! This one just happened to go with my outfit. 


Outfit: Clara from Ello Poppet
Hair: Hair"Mayumi3" (Brown Diamond) from D!va
Bracelet: Conversation Trinket -Silver- XOXO from [tea.s]
Alphabet ring: Vintage Alphabet Ring (Heart BL) RARE from ASO! (The Arcade)
Brolly: My Snowy Umbrella - Plain Black from Cute Bytes (Woodland Gatcha)
Nails: Winter Flakes Nail HUD from Tiddleywinks


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