Monday 9 December 2013

♥ ZoZo's ♥

Come on down to ZoZo's store on Bubbles Lane on the Bubblegum sim. Here's your SLURL to go check out all the goodies on offer, including group gifts: ZoZo's

This outfit is actually from ZoZo's and taken outside her awesome store. Check out the cuteness and her store is all decorated up for Christmas. So awesome. As for the outfit, it's pink plaid and very cute.. it comes with a shoulder bag, or as my dad said, "a purse almost as big as you" Daddy's have no idea when it comes to fashion sometimes! It also comes with tights, a hairband and boots.


Outfit: PladPinkness from ZoZo's
Hair: [01] Sweet from Magika
Nails: Yule Flakes Nail HUD from Tiddleywinks
Pose: Cutesy - Cutesy 2 from click
Location: Outside ZoZo's store on Bubbles Lane @ Bubblegum Sim


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