Tuesday 11 March 2014

♥ The only rule is.. ♥

Hey hey!

Sorry it's been a bit since my last post.. ha, like people actually care! I've been a little distracted lately, lots of events and things to do both in world and real life.. a busy little bee. 

Been enjoying hanging out with my extended family in Second Life. I now have cousins and so far they're pretty awesome.. we all mostly just hang around playing Krafties listening to the grownups talk on voice. I really need to start a swear jar thing going though, I could be rolling in money by now if I'd had set one up before the grownups get together to talk. lol.

Anyways, have an outfit.. and isn't this bunny from Birdy just adorable?! It's little feet move.. and it's just so darn cute I want to kiss my screen - only I won't.. cos ew.. and germs.. and I've sneezed far too many times on my laptop for that to be healthy for anyone. Although, having said all that.. my cat gnaws on the side of my laptop sometimes, until I catch him and tell him off, so he thinks it tastes good! The outfit is from Buttons and Bows and don't we just love a bargain from there now and then? My walkie talkie is pretty awesome, that's from floorplan and was found at The Arcade.. my mummy and daddy both have one and we now can have private conversations without having to do a laggy conference chat.. and it makes people paranoid because they can see your walkie talkie going up and hear the sound, but not actually see what you say.. brilliant. Mummy and I abused the heck out of that when we first got them, poor daddy didn't have a clue we were talking about him in front of his face. Bless. Love you daddy! The pirate bunny is from the Arcade, he adds some edge to this look I think.. sort of like, I'm cute.. but don't mess with me!

Also, I need to take my own advice/rules today.. maybe these little sayings are meant for me really..

Also, quick shout outs to my awesome mummy (daddy too, even though he doesn't read), ZoZo, Auntie Ashlynn and anyone else that reads my blog. I love each and every one of you.. well, unless you know I hate you and there's only a handful of people I actually hate in Second Life.. congratulations if you're one of them, you must have really hurt me! lol. I dunno why I said that, I'm a bit loopy I think.. I've not been sleeping so good. I'm gonna end this post with words said to me from my daddy, "If you don't log off and go to bed I'm going to put you in timeout!" That's been said to me on more than one occasion now. lol
Outfit: Alisha ToddleeDoo from Buttons & Bows
Hair: [01] Honest from Magika
Nails: TD Nails {HUD} - Winter and Fall from BABY
Necklace: My Little Magic Necklace - Honesty from Kawaii (Woodland gatcha)
Bunny: Spring Babes - Bunny - Fudge from Birdy/Alchemy (Chapter Four)
Arm bunny: Sky Pirates - Flying bunny14 from D-lab (Arcade)
Walkie Talkie: Walkie Talkies/ tomato from floorplan (Arcade)


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