Thursday 17 April 2014

♥ Mummy & Me - A moment ♥

It's rare I get to do a post with my mummy and I am thankful that she posed with me for this picture. Thank you mummy! These matching outfits were from Baby Pie, they are just epic. 

Really proud of this picture, it took me a long time to do all the shadows and highlights.. and I retouched some areas to make them look more rounder etc. I hope you like it as much as I do.

The pose I found at Style Me.. from Strawberry Dimple (I'd never heard of before) It's so sweet though and works really well with our matching outfits.

I bit the bullet and applied to blog for a couple of stores.. I know I said I'd blog for just me and I will, but I'll also blog for others if they are willing to have me.. haha. We'll see if I get accepted.. I'm sure they've had tons of offers already. If anyone who reads wants me to blog for them, please just shoot me a message.. I'm pretty friendly, honest!

Outfit: Aliyah TD Complete Outfit - Kid & Baby (Adult version available too)
Hair: Sweet [01] from Magika
Bracelet: Bicycle Bracelet - silver from .trinket. (Family Flea Market)
Necklace: Tagged Necklace (Cute) from Cute Poison (Luck of the Irish Gatcha)
Bracelet: Hand stamped bracelet - dream from .trinket. (Woodland Gatcha)
Ring: Bear Silhouette Ring - Rose gold from .trinket. (Woodland Gatcha)
Pose: A Moment from Strawberry Dimple (Style Me)


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