Wednesday 16 April 2014

♥ Pug Princess ♥

Warning.. ranty/depressed ramble ahead:

So, I keep thinking about abandoning blogging.. why? Because one, there has been a surge of ToddleeDoo bloggers lately. When I started there were very few ToddleeDoo bloggers, that's not the case any more.. and also most of those bloggers who do blog are getting free review copies. I haven't had anything to review in ages and spend my own money on creators items and try my hardest to get them out there quick and cover as many events as possible. It's really hard to keep on top of all the events and try to blog them all.. and with all this in mind and the fact that I only receive disability money in real life, I'm gonna be stepping back a bit.

I lost sight of why I blog I think.. and felt like I was in competition with all the other blogs out there. I've been feeling really depressed that my blog isn't getting noticed as much as others and I don't get review copies of things or asked to blog events like others do. Perhaps my blog isn't as good as others.. or I'm not as popular/as known as other bloggers. The ToddleeDoo community is all about popularity, sad to say. It's about who you know as to how successful you are with anything within the community, whether it's a blog, a store, or even something as simple as asking for help from other ToddleeDoo's.. and I'm sure people have heard a lot of things that aren't true about me which hasn't helped with my popularity. 

All this in mind.. I'm gonna go back to just blogging for me. Say what I want to say and not censor myself because I'm frightened some creator won't touch me with a barge pole and want me to blog their items.. well, since that hasn't happened in forever.. what friggin' ever. I'm gonna let loose and just say whatever and moan about whatever.

And now I've got that moany/ranty/ramble out of the way.. I present pug princess. Really cute outfit I found at the Easter Fair from ello poppet. 

Outfit: Anya {SF EXCLUSIVE} from ello poppet (Easter Fair)
Hair: Fleur - blondes from Truth (Seasons Story)
Ring: Doughnut Ring from Yummy
Bracelet: Bicycle Bracelet - Silver from .trinket. (Family Flea Market)
Pug: Puggles {Piggy} from Birdy (The Arcade)


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