This outfit features a skirt from Soken Kids. It's red and dotty and I love it.. when I picked it out I didn't really have anything in mind to go with it.. and then panicked a bit when I thought I had nothing that would look okay with it.. then I found this cute skelly top from Candii Kitten and the red on it matched the skirt.. so yay.
The awesome star nails in the second picture are from ZOZ KIDS. Don't forget they're mesh replacement nails, so you hide your toddleedoo nails with the HUD and add on the mesh ones from ZOZ KIDS. Then.. tada.. nails.
My messy hair is from Ploom. I liked it because it looked like I tried to do my hair myself.. gotta love the unkempt look.
Top: Skelotops Toddleedoo Only Red from Candii Kitten
Skirt: TD Nisaa Dots Layered Mini Skirt MESH from Soken Kids
Shoes: [TbS] Puppy Love Sandal TDb Red (Woodland Treasures Gatcha)
Hair: Samantha - Blondes from Ploom
Necklace: Tagged Necklace (Faith) from Cute Poison
Bracelet: Bracelet - 11 from Marmelade
Skin: Alice Natural from FreshFace
Teeth: OpenMouthPRO Basic and BabyTeeth Add on from PXL
Eyelashes: Eyelashes from Little Pixels
Nails: Painted Star Polish & Nails (TD) from ZOZ KIDS
Pose: Cheerful - Cheerful 3 (m) from .click.
Pose: Pretty Nails - Pretty Nails 1 from Bad Seed Boutique
Skirt: TD Nisaa Dots Layered Mini Skirt MESH from Soken Kids
Shoes: [TbS] Puppy Love Sandal TDb Red (Woodland Treasures Gatcha)
Hair: Samantha - Blondes from Ploom
Necklace: Tagged Necklace (Faith) from Cute Poison
Bracelet: Bracelet - 11 from Marmelade
Skin: Alice Natural from FreshFace
Teeth: OpenMouthPRO Basic and BabyTeeth Add on from PXL
Eyelashes: Eyelashes from Little Pixels
Nails: Painted Star Polish & Nails (TD) from ZOZ KIDS
Pose: Cheerful - Cheerful 3 (m) from .click.
Pose: Pretty Nails - Pretty Nails 1 from Bad Seed Boutique
Special thanks to Soken Kids, Fresh Face and ZOZ KIDS
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