Tuesday 3 September 2013

♥ I love Pandas ♥

Just a quick fly-by-night post before I head to bed (I've somehow managed to pull yet ANOTHER all nighter. They seem to be happening a lot lately.)
Anyways... if you didn't know by now.. I love pandas! So, when I saw this outfit from "That's So {Kyoot}" I had to have it. At the same time I picked it up as a gift for my friends birthday because she loves pandas almost as much as I do. I now have a few things from "That's So {Kyoot}" It's slowly becoming another one of the stores I specifically look for items from.

Outfit: Heart Pandas from That's So {Kyoot}
Hair: Sugar Rush Mesh Hair Blonds Pack [tinted slightly] from Wasabi Pills
Cheek sparkles from Oh Daisies
Mesh Cat Chair Little Kitten Black - Blue from Blueberry


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