Monday 4 November 2013

♥ Fairy Nice ♥

So, yay, I'm on a trial with a family! They seem pretty awesome.. I'm hoping that this is my forever family I've been looking for. It's funny because my trial mummy only lives like 2 and a bit hours up the road from me in real life. But my trial daddy is all the way in the USA! I'm really hoping this works out because even my grandparents are awesome. They all breed tigers and have lots of games to play, including greedy and byngo (oh my goodness, that one is going to kill my lindens.. I had been staying away from it because I got addicted and started spending more than I was winning... so have to try to ration myself a bit with it. Yeah, good luck with that, self!) But they do seem very cool, mummy is a lot like me.. likes the same kind of things and when we were looking for a house to put down, we kept picking the same ones. Daddy said I get my farts from him though.. and my grandparents have said they're gonna take me all kinds of places and "spoil" me. I can't believe my luck. I was just thinking that I was going to be an orphan forever too and was considering just taking my panels down and accepting my fate.. but I'm so glad I didn't. Really hope this works out, because right now I'm so very happy! Watch this space! ♥

Ever have days where there is something you have to do in real life and you REALLY don't want to do it? I'm facing one of those days today.. so I didn't sleep well worrying about it and I don't want to do it at all, but I have to. It's one of those things that you can only put off so many times before you absolutely have to do it or else it messes everything else in your life up. Luckily my real life sister is going to come over and take me and hold my hand so to speak.. she rocks like that. But yeah, not looking forward to it one little bit. To be honest, I'll be glad when this week is over in real life.. but in Second Life I kinda want things to go in slow mo cos I'm enjoying it so much. I feel like by saying that though I'm setting myself up for a fall.. next post I'll probably be crying about how awful everything has gone. Lol. Hopefully not, but I don't want to be too positive either and then be disappointed.

Yesterday morning I was pretty depressed and ended up buying myself two KittyCatS to breed. It was an impulse decision. I put my Fennux away as the novelty wore off and they started getting really boring. I liked the interactivity that you can get with the KittyCatS which you don't have with Fennux. I love how I can cuddle them, play ball with them, lay down and play with them etc (although I wish the animations were more child avatar friendly, since I end up underground with the laying down one or hovering above the ground when I go to pet them) Minor annoyance, but I get that kind of thing a lot being so small. 

I'm still pretty into my Krafties. At the weekend there was the launch of the Vampire soul (for just the weekend only I think) Also there was double crafting exp, so I ended up lingering at the main sim for a bit and getting in on any crafting that was happening.. also got people to help me. I managed to get 2 Vampire souls made, I stuck one in a high stat Lupix, he turned grey with red eyes.. I called him Mr Bitey. I'm keeping the other one back for now, good to hold on to. I still have a bloodstone left over, guess it's useless now though. 

The mini turkey hunt starts tomorrow, which should be good. I enjoy a good hunt.. hopefully there will be some good prizes. I know Soken is participating and there is a cute shirt to be found, but not sure who else is in it yet.

Anyway, this outfit is from the last round of the Woodland Gatcha event. I love it.. so cute. I'm not usually a yellow kind of person, but this looks super pretty on. It comes with the dress, shoes, earrings, bracelet and wings. The wings, although a bit flimsy, since they're just a flexi texture, are cute too. I'm wearing a super cute ring my grownup friend, Nyo, bought me also. It's called a Chewnicorn ring.. it's got like a little unicorn head on it.. and apparently no unicorns were harmed in the making of the ring.. which I said is good to know! He got me the fatpack so I can wear this ring with several outfits, awesome sauce. Thank you! ♥

Outfit: Aura's Fairy Hollow Outfit {Iridessa} from Aura's (Gatcha win from Halloween)
Hair: Mayumi3 (Brown Diamond) from D!va
Ring: Chewnicorn Ring Yellow from [tea.s] (Thanks to my friend Nyo)
Gold glitter from Petite Bowtique (Old gatcha win)
Glitter nails and cheek sparkles from Oh Daisies
Pose: Purple Poses - Kids 01 from Purple Poses


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