Wednesday 27 November 2013

♥ Mew mew! ♥

So, I got it wrong.. Woodland Treasures Gatcha event starts on the 1st December, alongside The Arcade which also starts on the 1st December. I'm gonna be soooo beyond broke, it's not even funny. I've seen a few preview pictures on flickr of The Arcade goodies up for grabs and I've already seen so many things I want. I just need them to post the shopping guide so I can confirm this. lol

My mummy and I are still busy with our project, but it's coming together really nicely now. Looks epic and I'm really proud of everything so far. I'll be sure to post all the details when it's complete. Right now you'll have to deal with my cryptic-ness. Sorry! 

Christmas isn't that far away now.. and I'm getting pretty excited about it! I've not actually done anything to prepare for it yet though.. in Real Life or Second Life. I'll probably go into panic mode at some point and finally get it together.

Anyway, this outfit is from ZoZo's and because of my love of all things kitty related, I had to show you guys! It's pretty adorable and girly, with the pastel colours. There's a pink kitty on the front of the sweater, my lighting of this picture doesn't really show off it's awesomeness as much as I wanted it to.. but trust me, it's there! 

I've had this pose for absolutely ages and kept wanting to use it, so today I just figured.. meh.. why not!


Outfit: MewMew from ZoZo'S
Hair: Hair"Miu" (Type B) (Black Amber) from D!va
Ring: Pandoo Ring - Pink from [tea.s]
Bracelet: Starry Bracelet Solid Sunny from Buglets
Cheek Sparkles from Oh Daisies (Closed)
Nails: Glitter nails from Oh Daisies (Closed)
Pose: Card Trick - Abby Lane (Gatcha)


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