Sunday 15 December 2013

♥ Arctic Snow Days ♥

Don't you just hate it when you turn up to Limited 50 late?! I turned up late and my fav store Baby Pie had sold out. I did manage to pick up a few things, however, but irritatingly the few things I really did want were the ones that were sold out. 

I had to reason with myself when I was browsing Limited 50 too.. I really liked the dollhouse by AR and the dinosaur rocker (sorry it escapes me who made that off the top of my head) but I decided that they would just end up in my inventory and never get to see the light of day. I'm sure my parents don't want me to clutter up their house any more with my prims and I can't afford to just have a parcel just for my play items. I already pay for a parcel for my KittyCatS and my store *Awwdorable* and I struggle to keep those going! 

Even ended up buying custom trainers/sneakers/hi-tops (whatever you call them) Well, technically they're not made yet.. but I bought a form to get them made however I want which is pretty cool.. but I know if I really pulled a finger out I could have made them myself, so hopefully they'll do an epic job and put me to shame and it won't be just another of my impulse purchases that I end up regretting later on.

Anyway, decided to blog a different outfit from Baby Pie.. since I didn't get the one from Limited 50. -Cries pathetically- This one is Arctic Snow Days and is utterly cute, as usual.


Outfit: Arctic Snow Days Outfit from Baby Pie
Hair: Hair*139*Mocha from Love Soul
Pose: Cutesy - Cutesy 2 from click
Nails: Winter Flakes Nail HUD from Tiddleywinks


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