Sunday 15 December 2013

♥ Bubblegum Alley Round 3 Preview Pictures ♥

It's that time again! Bubblegum Alley has a range of designers for you this round and some awesome offerings, not just what I've blogged below. Here's your taxi: Bubblegum Alley 

Here's the lineup for this round:

Look how pretty and festive it looks inside!

Up first, we have Unrepentant with the following items:

Joy Tree Lightsculpture Blinking (animated and blinks different colours) and White version which is static (Land Impact 1 unless you make them bigger) (Copy and mod, no trans)

Yuletide Rocking Chair (Land impact 4) 2 cuddle poses, 4 family poses, 5 solo poses and ability to turn off shadow and make it rock back and forth. (Copy and mod, no trans)

Next up we have Noble Interiors with this very pretty Snowflake Canopy Bed (Land impact 13) with 9 awesome poses (Not Listening, Play Blocks, Dance 1, Dance 2, Santa Letter, Floor Play, Read, No Sleep!, Sleep) Poses are adjustable. (Copy, no mod, no trans) 

Also featured in this picture we have the adorable Lil' Helper outfit from Sugar Booger. It has "Santas Little Helper" on the chest and a little snowman head on the back pocket.

 Outfit: Lil' Helper Jammies from Sugar Booger (Bubblegum Alley)
Nails: Holiday Shimmers Nail Polish from Petite Bowtique
Hair: Hair"Daisy"(Type A) (Black amber) from D!va (The Arcade)
Pose: Floor Play from Snowflake Canopy Bed from Noble Interiors

Next up we have the very adorable Mint Fuyu outfit from Sew Cute. It comes with leggings with and without bows on so you can style it however you choose. I'm wearing the version with bows below.

Outfit: Mint Fuyu from Sew Cute
Nails: Holiday Shimmers Nail Polish from Petite Bowtique
Hair: Hair"Miu" (Type B) (Black amber)
Pose: Cutesy - Cutesy 3 from .click.

Up next we have another adorable outfit from Sugar Booger, this time it's a romper. Check out the cuteness!

Also featured in this picture is the awesomeness free bird has come up with. A fab Build-a-Friend Rudolph Kitty for you to become friends with, an animated snow scene and a canvas print to decorate up any home.

Outfit: Scotty Romper from Sugar Booger
Hair: Sugar Rush Mesh Hair - Blonds Pack - Lemon Tea from Wasabi Pills
Nails: Holiday Shimmers Nail Polish from Petite Bowtique
Pose: Cutesy - Cutesy 2 from .click. 
Build-a-Friend Rudolph Kitty from [ free bird ]
Let It Snow Wall Decor - Bright Sky from [ free bird ]
Life is Better at Christmas Time Canvas from [ free bird ]

Up next we have free bird again with a super awesome puffy vest, featured alongside Cae with this very festive necklace and earring set. It's sized for grownups, but with some tweaking - thanks to the awesome HUD it comes with - I managed to get it to fit.

Hoodie: TD Puffy Vest Bright Pink from [ free bird]
Pants: Light Wash Jeans from Little Closet
Shoes: Suede booties in rosey from {Ima}
Necklace and earrings: Let it Snow : Ensemble: from Cae
Nails: Holiday Shimmers Nail Polish from Petite Bowtique
Hair: Sugar Rush Mesh Hair - Blonds Pack - Lemon Tea from Wasabi Pills
Pose: Cutesy - Cutesy 2 from .click.

And lastly, we have Tikkels with a Binky Snow! It comes with a LIFE version too for all you fellow LIFE-ers. Super cute and has a sucking animation too.

Vest:  TD Puffy Vest Bright Pink from [ free bird]
Hair: Sugar Rush Mesh Hair - Blonds Pack - Lemon Tea from Wasabi Pills
Binky: Binky Snow from Tikkels

Here's your taxi again: Bubblegum Alley

Many thanks to all designers featured that allowed me to blog their awesome goods.


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