Friday 6 December 2013

♥ Shopping, Shopping, Shopping ♥

Due to the strong winds and flooding in my part of the UK, I had no electricity for about 14 hours! Everything in my home runs off electric.. even my oil fired heating requires electric to start. I had no heating for all that time it was freezing in my house, I thought I was dying. I kept hearing ambulances whiz past and I felt like I might need their assistance too. I could see my own breath just breathing in my house.. you know it is cold when you can see your own breath. I couldn't make a hot water bottle as the kettle and stove are electric.. microwave is electric too. It was the worst 14 hours ever.. I'm quite proud I made it through it.. parts of my area are a mess though.. so much has been damaged by this storm and flooding. We were told of one lady who was stuck in the middle of power lines that had come down. A tree toppled over and had another set. It was chaos!

Anyway, today I woke up early to try to make up for lost time yesterday.. managed to do some chores (WITH THE HEATING ON FULL BLAST) and ordered some real life Christmas presents. I'm having SL withdrawal though, due to being so busy RL right now I've not been on much at all. I'm sorry mummy and daddy, I love you and miss you both lots. Soon as I have time to sit down for longer than half an hour I will be logging on!

Whenever I have been on though, I have done what I do best.. and that is shop! Here is me looking cool shopping at Bubbles Lane, where my store, *Awwdorable*, mummy's store, Oh! Couture and ZoZo's is located.. along with stores and stalls available for rent. There's a park and a gatcha yard sale store too!


Outfit: Pink Rose Outfit - Baby TD Only from Sew Cute (Heritage)
Bag: BubbleGummicorn Carry Along from BoOgErS (Arcade gatcha win)
Ring: Doughnut Ring from Yummy
Hair: Hair"Daisy" (Type A) (Black Amber) from D!va (Arcade gatcha Win)
Nails: Yule Flakes Nail HUD from Tiddleywinks
Pose: Modeling Pack 1 - Modeling 1 from Pixie Dust Poses


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