Thursday 5 December 2013

♥ Wintery Bliss ♥

How adorably cute is this outfit from Glitter Outfitters?! It's perfect for Winter. It comes in a variety of colours, but this combination seemed the most me. Cute plain turtleneck, all snuggly and warm looking. An awesome ruffly skirt that looks so awesome teamed with the turtleneck. Plus a variety of warm tights to go with them. Complete the look with the Nordic boots I blogged about from Bubblegum Alley and presto, you're ready for Winter! 


Turtleneck: Pink Turtleneck from Glitter Outfitters
Skirt: Ruffle Skirt - Dark from Glitter Outfitters
Boots: Nordic Boots - Cheetah Pink from Glitter Outfitters
Hair: Hair"Daisy" (Type A) (Black Amber) from D!va (Arcade gatcha Win)
Yule Flakes Nail HUD from Tiddleywinks
Pose: Kids Pack - Kids 01 from Purple Poses


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