Tuesday 3 December 2013

♥ When SL eats things.. ♥

Rahh! I wasn't going to log on today/tonight at all.. but was talking to my mummy on Skype about an incident yesterday where I couldn't eject someone that was naked on our land, so she went ahead and deeded the land to group so I would be able to.. only, in doing so, it sent back all my store to my lost and found. I only knew this after getting spammy e-mail notifying me of the fact. 

It also sent a load of mummy's store back to her and SL even ATE half of her store. She lost it entirely and Linden Labs were completely unhelpful in resolving it, just telling her that it was lost and there was nothing they could do to recover lost items. She was told to clear cache, which she had already done.. and still the items didn't reappear. Now I feel really guilty and like it's all my fault that this happened, I should have just said nothing about the naked man. Stupid naked man.. technically this is your fault! 

When things go wrong, they seem to go wrong spectacularly. I couldn't have had a worse day.. I shouldn't really say that of course, since I'm sure it'll just shove something even worse my way just to prove that it can.

Anyways, while I was standing around being useless in not being able to help my mummy put her store back together again.. I decided to take a pic and make a venty post about what just happened.. so here's the pic.. you already had the venty post:


Outfit: Jessica Sweater Dress Pink from Petite Bowtique
Hair: Sugar Rush Mesh Hair - Blonds Pack - Lemon Tea from Wasabi Pills
Cheek Sparkles from Oh Daisies (Closed)
Nails: Yule Flakes Nail HUD from Tiddleywinks
Ears: Patchwork Army - Pastel Deer from Half Deer (The Arcade gatcha win)
Mouthie: MLP Pinkie Pie Mouthie Ornament from RM (Woodland Gatcha win)
Earmuffs: Knit Panda Earmuffs from Cuddle Bugs (Woodland Gatcha win)
Glasses: Mes lunettes DIY [chien] from :NuDoLu: (The Arcade gatcha win)
Fairy on head and fairy around from d-lab (The Arcade gatcha win)


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