Sunday 19 January 2014

♥ Let Me Go ♥

Feeling very down tonight.. real life has got me down. There's just things going on and with the problem with my veins still not cleared up, it's just kinda worrying and depressing. I'm on my own again too and that usually ends up with me in a bad place mentally.. and it's already begun. The people that know me really well would be really disappointed in me if they knew what I'd bought myself.. and how I'm feeling generally.

I am more guarded with talking about stuff now in Second Life.. there was a point where I was very open about real life and it backfired on me spectacularly. People tend to abuse the things they know about you.. and they seem to forget that the only reason they had that knowledge to use on you in a negative way is because you trusted them with it. Now I can only point subtly to parts of my real life in my blog posts and not in much detail.. and it's for my benefit if anything. It's good to be able to look back at posts and remember why I said such and such.. but not have it painfully obvious for anyone else. I find writing therapeutic in a way and it just so happens that I do it alongside blogging outfits for Second Life, which I enjoy doing. 

But now in Second Life I rarely mention my thoughts or how things are for me.. and most of the time when people ask me how I am, I'll just tell them "fine" even when I'm far from it. After all, most people don't really want to know the truth.. the question "How are you?" isn't really genuine in most cases.. it's just a conversation starter to get to what they really want to talk about. I can't be alone in thinking that way though. Of course there are people that genuinely do care and those people I fear telling the truth to more than anyone else.

Anyway, onto happier things.. like clothes! I've not blogged Marmelade in a while and had this outfit sitting in my inventory for a while and decided I'd bring it out for blogging as it's cute and still pretty apt for this time of year.


Outfit: Warm Plaid - Red from Marmelade
Hair: Hair "Locuala" (Black amber) from D!va (Collabor88)
Ring and Earrings: eiffel silhouette set from .trinket.
Nails: Jelly Bean Nails ToddleeDoo from Petite Bowtique
Pose: 'Tude - Tude 2 from .click.


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