Monday 13 January 2014

♥ RL Gingerbread House I Made ♥

Hi everyone! 

So sorry I've not been here.. but between being busy and real life health problems, I've not had a whole lot of time for Second Life. Hopefully that will change soon.

Not a whole lot has happened really.. I got diagnosed with a problem with my veins that has left me on anti-biotics and having to apply gel to my veins.. it's not really getting better either. They think it might have been caused by an infection, but they're not 100% sure.. the veins are all swelled up and painful. One even has a huge lump in it. They think it's superficial veins and not likely to be DVT or anything serious.. but again, they're all just speculating right now.. when my course of anti-biotics is up.. if it's not better, I guess I'll be trying to find out what is going on.. because this particular problem can be linked to a cancer that I'm at high chance of getting. On the way to the doctors that day I managed to slam my finger in a door and it all swelled up, I actually thought it was broken at first. It's all bruised still and taking it's time to mend. What am I like?! 

My store in Second Life has poofed for now, if you were wondering where it went, I couldn't afford to keep it and seeing as I've not really been in SL for a bit it seemed pointless anyway.. if I start making again, I'll keep on the marketplace probably.. as it's not really viable anymore to have a store in world unless I start making a lot more sales.

I'll have an outfit to blog soon.. (as I am so painfully behind, but I do plan to come back to Second Life as soon as I'm by myself in real life again.. which should be soon..) but for now you'll just have to look at this awesome Gingerbread House I made over Christmas. I promised my SL mummy I'd show her when it was done and here it is. Some of these pictures are when it was in it's construction stages. I made the whole thing totally from scratch, really proud of it as I'd never made anything like this before! It was just one of the many baking projects over the Christmas period I somehow managed to rope myself into doing.

Note to self, next time remember to dust the roof with icing sugar and make a door...


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