Monday 10 February 2014

♥ Reflecting ♥

Was feeling pretty bummed out about things when I had an offline from someone who decided to remove me from their list.. thus not making me feel any better. Reflecting on it though, it's probably better for the both of us.. I am toxic for some people. In a way I am glad that they removed me from their list and I didn't remove them from mine.. because it means I waited patiently for an apology and didn't just remove them the moment they hurt me (which I had every right to do!)  I never got the apology and doubt it will ever come, because I don't think they saw any wrong in what they did. 

My friends list is full of people who have come and gone.. my calling cards list even longer. There's people that I've removed from my friends list for one reason or another, or they've removed me. My friends list is also littered with people that haven't logged on in years, yet I refuse to remove them.. in hope that one day they'll return. I also have people on my list that have died real life, but I cannot bring myself to remove them.. it's a bit like real life in that regard. I had my real life mothers phone number on my mobile phone for the longest time after she died. I even had a call from it which totally freaked me out.. and if you're wondering, no I didn't answer it. I couldn't. But it can be difficult to move on even in Second Life is my point.

I still look back at past families that hurt me.. as there have been many of those. I'm not really an easy person to get on with I suppose.. I am deeply flawed and a lot of people can't deal with that. I'm critical and annoying and overall I'm just a horrible person, both outside and in. I guess all my issues make it hard for people.. and eventually they give up on me. I can't really blame them, I'm a mess.

Right, enough of the reflecting.. and onto this outfit I wore while reflecting. 
Oh.. and if you're wondering why my feet are showing outside of my boots - my answer is simple.. I have no frickin' idea. I tried everything to get them to hide! They just wouldn't. I have a lot of problems hiding my feet when I have something covering them for some reason. I never used to with older ToddleeDoo versions, but this one just hates my feet! If anyone has any solution to this, please let me know. I tried wearing them on the skinny layer, on the looser layer.. I even tried no tights.. and yet I still had this freakish ghost outline of my feet even with them hidden. It's like I can still see them with the alpha. It's weird! But other than that.. this outfit is cute. I'm a late comer to this hair from Magika, but it's adorable and can see why it's so popular among the ToddleeDoo crowd. Okay, gonna stop rambling and attempt to be creative in world.


Outfit: Jennah Hoodie in Pink from Madeleine's
Ring: eiffel ring - silver from .trinket.
Mouth pencil: Pencil Mouthie-blk from Little Bits
Hair: [01] Little from Magika
Nails: TD Nails {HUD} Happy Shine from :*BABY*:


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